Bring on the Guests

We at Abode are truly looking forward to this holiday season. Hosting friends and family in my home is one of my passions. Being around the people I love the most is what it’s all about. The simplest way for me to explain how to make hosting a success…is by using all 5 senses.

Minimalistic (See) 

Declutter your guest room. You want to provide your guests with the most possible amount of space for them and their items. For me, simpler is always better. 

Comfort (Touch)

Add warm and fuzzy throw blankets and some cute accent pillows for an element of color. Add an accent chair in the corner of the room for more lounging space, giving all the comfort vibes.

Aroma (Smell)

Having a good diffuser, candle, or room/linen spray in any room (not just the guest room) is a must.

Attentiveness (Hear) 

Many people have little quirks that help them sleep better at night. Having items such as a sound machine or a box fan accessible helps prepare your guests for the best night's sleep. 

Giving (Taste)

And then last but not least is taste. Introduce your favorite holiday dish or cocktail while your guests are visiting.

We hope this helps you create the perfect space for you and your guests.

Happy Holidays from us at Abode!

Cortney DerrowComment