Little Fish in a Big Pond


Who else needs some “silver lining” in their feed right now?

Let’s talk about our amazing small town and community that has supported THIS small business while hurdle after hurdle is thrown in our path. You have continued to keep walking through that door, or buying through our social media channels, and we are so grateful.

Consumers choose who they want to support everyday with their dollars. When you choose to support small businesses (especially during hard times), you are supporting your neighbors. You are supporting dreams. We don’t have the budget for flashy gimmicks that stores with bottomless advertising budgets can offer. But what we can offer is better.

Through all these hurdles, we have been able to provide personal services that the larger stores can’t. Abode isn’t just a furniture store (well, especially now - because hello clothes!) but we are also problem solving, decorating, designing, buying, and more. And we provide an experience. Because when you walk through our store, we want you to leave inspired.

One benefit of being a small business is that we can adjust quickly. When the doors had to be closed, we started selling through Instagram Stories and did local drop-offs. The response was amazing and we will continue offer this retail channel. We also are continuing weekly store tours so you can “window shop” if you aren’t quite ready to venture out. That’s what small businesses also do…we hustle for our clients.

Through the bridge reconstruction, adding (adorable) little members to our family, losing staff to new opportunities (ahem… Car), and now, Corona, thank you for continuing to be a part of our Abode family. Thank you for keeping my small business a reality that continues to grow and thrive!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Thanks for reading!
XO - Cort

Cortney DerrowComment